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Introducing Locate It Maps

Locate It Maps provides FREE printed maps to travelers and event attendees for specific locations and/or events. Our maps are typically distributed through car rental agencies and/or event registration centers, to assure we are targeting the traveler, whether they are on business or pleasure. Our maps are downloadable online and also are provided free of charge in printed form to each car rental and visitor center customer in each participating area. These maps are distributed as mentioned free of charge and the map is paid for through advertising which assist the customer while they are visiting the areas we are currently in, these areas are expanding annually.

Why Locate It Maps?

Even in this digital world of mobile phones and GPS services, a handheld map is still the preferred method of navigation for travelers and event attendees. Our maps provide information about local restaurants, entertainment, hotel acommodations and local areas of interest.

Who benefits from Locate It Maps?

Our distributors are provided maps with their logo on the cover at no cost. The promotion and the maps are free to each and every distributor. Our advertisers get exposure to the many travelers who utilize our Locate It Maps on a daily basis.

We accept all major credit cards for advertising purchases from Locate It Maps.

Copyright 2008 - 2011 Locate It Maps. All rights reserved.